Step 3: Description
General description
Description is the summary of all information about the property that might be useful for the guests. It may be accompanied by translation in different languages. The description text is either generated automatically based on the information provided in the Step 2: Amenities stage or it can be typed manually.
Airbnb has the following requirements in regards of description:
Airbnb accepts descriptions in the following languages:
- Swedish
- Danish
- Czech
- Dutch
- Finnish
- Latvian
- Lithuanian
- Slovak
- Romanian
- Chinese
- Catalan
if an English description is not provided, some information will not be synchronised to Airbnb, either:
pet amenities, smoking amenities and age restrictions from Step 2: Amenities
Airbnb will not accept the properties where the descriptions contain:
emojis or special characters
emails and phone numbers (if you have them, we will hide them automatically for Airbnb)
website links (if you have them, we will hide them automatically for Airbnb)
excessively capitalised words
more than 5 capitalised characters in a word e.g. APARTMENT
more than 3 capitalised words in a row e.g. THE BEST IN CLASS
use of capitalised characters and numbers e.g. BC2CR002AT
Additional descriptions
Airbnb allows you to place a few more additional descriptions of your property, for example what makes it unique. Use this option to share the details to better describe your property to your guests, Also, include some intricacies about the property to build a unique atmosphere around it and provide your guests with the best experience from the very first sight.
Additional description | Extra information | Airbnb API | Airbnb |
Description (main) | General description | <summary> | About this space |
Space | - | <space> | The space |
Access | - | <access> | Guest access |
Interaction | - | <interaction> | During your stay |
Neighborhood | - | <neighborhood_overview> | Where you'll be > Location |
Notes | 1st part of the Other things to note section | <notes> | Other things to note |
Why Purchased | 2nd part of the Other things to note section | <notes> | Other things to note |
Owner Listing Story | 3rd part of the Other things to note section | <notes> | Other things to note |
House Rules | If it is empty, then we will auto-generate the text from Other amenities-related information. | <house_rules> | House rules > Additional rules |
Headline | 1st part of the General description; see rules here | <summary> | About this space |
Arrival instructions | This description can be filled in Rentals United - see Arrival instructions | <transit> | Where you'll be > Getting around |
Pick-up service | This description can be filled in Rentals United - see Pick-up service | <transit> | Where you'll be > Getting around |
If <headline> is filled in in Rentals United and fits into 500 characters limit, we put text from <headline> into About this space and text from <space> into The space.
If <headline> is not filled in in Rentals United and the first paragraph of <Description.Text> is 500 characters or fewer, we put the first paragraph into About this space, while the remaining text is put into The space. The text from <space> is put into The space, too.
If <headline> is not filled in in Rentals United and the first paragraph of <Description.Text> is 501 characters or more, we put the first few full sentences up to 500 characters into About this space, while the remaining text is put into The space. The text from <space> is put into The space, too.